
Does CBD work right away?

Since its arrival on the market, the CBD has become a product very appreciated by the populations. Its notoriety comes from the fact that it has a multitude of virtues thanks to which it can act effectively on numerous pathologies. However, we still wonder how long it acts on the body. If you are curious to know the answer to this question, then you have come to the right place. This article aims to edify you.

What do you need to know about CBD?

CBD is a substance of plant origin that is part of the cannabinoid family. Also called cannabidiol, it is extracted from cannabis plants as well as hemp. However, unlike hemp which is nowadays considered a dangerous product in the same way as drugs such as heroin or cocaine, cannabis is in high demand. This is because it only contains a low dose of THC. This molecule is also a cannabinoid. It is responsible for undesirable effects such as psychoactive crises, hallucinations or euphoria that we observe in people who smoke hemp for purely recreational purposes. In addition, it causes dependence.

CBD for its part is a very interesting product. Numerous studies and clinical trials have been carried out on it. The results prove that it is an exceptional substance. In addition to being an excellent pain reliever, it is also a very effective anti-inflammatory which can have a positive impact on diseases such as multiple sclerosis. It is capable of having a positive effect on stress, depression and sleep-related disorders. Moreover, CBD helps fight against skin conditions such as psoriasis, acne, redness. Let’s not forget its anti-carcinogenic properties. It also has antioxidant properties which make it effective against cardiovascular diseases.

Despite all these advantages, several researchers agree on the fact that CBD had not yet revealed all these secrets. In other words, it would have benefits that we do not yet know. All these parameters make CBD a therapeutic and legal product in many countries around the world. It is free for planting, marketing and consumption. You just need to be of legal age and go to specialized stores or online platforms. It is available in a multitude of forms. We can cite e-liquids, resin, oil, candies, capsules, etc. Note that CBD should not be used as a medicine. It is more of a food supplement.

However, it is advisable to be very careful. Check the composition of these products before purchasing them, as cannabis legislation states that all CBD products must absolutely not contain a THC level greater than 0.3%. When this parameter is not respected, be aware that you are in possession of a narcotic and that you risk fines or legal proceedings if you test positive in an anti-doping test.

What is the mechanism of action of CBD?

It is important that you know that the human organism is an exceptional tool. It has an endocannabinoid system that allows it to better handle substances like CBD. This system is made up of two important receptors. These are CB1 receptors and CB2 receptors. The first are located throughout the body, in organs, muscles, bones, brain, etc. Their main role is to ensure the proper functioning of several functions such as gestures, mood, pain and even thought.

CB2 receptors are present mainly in the body’s immune system. Their function is to regulate pain and inflammation present in the body. So, as soon as you consume CBD, it interacts with these two receptors and pushes them to trigger a natural response in order to resolve a specific problem. This mechanism involves the synthesis of natural cannabinoids also called endocannabinoids. Thanks to this, the body can experience several sensations, including calm and relaxation.

Note, however, that the effects of CBD vary depending on several parameters. We can cite the type of product consumed, the CBD concentration, the type of extraction that was done, the physical constitution of the consumer, their metabolism, etc. Therefore, when taking the same product, two individuals can experience different effects. The big advantage to remember is that CBD does not in any way alter the mind of those who consume it. In the same way, it does not cause dependencies, addictions or serious health side effects.

How long should you wait for the effects of CBD?

Generally speaking, when you ingest CBD, it does not work automatically. It must be given time to reach the blood system and disseminate its active ingredients. Therefore, the effects can be felt after a few minutes. This once again depends on the consumer’s body, their age, their addiction to cannabinoids, etc. We will focus here on the mode of consumption which radically influences the action time of CBD.

Skin application

It is entirely possible to benefit from the benefits of CBD by opting for a cutaneous consumption method. Indeed, this method represents a perfect solution for people who suffer from skin diseases, muscle and joint pain. In this case, we must turn to the CBD contained in cosmetic products such as balms, lotions, ointments or the creams. They are all commercially available. You just need to do your research.

To use them correctly, you must apply them directly to the skin or areas that cause you pain. Make sure to massage well so that the product absorbs well into the skin. The quantity to apply will then depend on the results you hope to have, but also on the needs you have. The effects of CBD will be felt after approximately 90 minutes.

CBD oil

L’CBD oil is a very widespread mode of consumption. It is also the one that best protects the consumer from outside eyes and prying questions. Furthermore, it is the one that best hides the particular smell of CBD. To benefit from the benefits of CBD oil, you have two options. The first is called the sublingual route. It consists of placing a few drops of CBD oil under the tongue using a dispenser. You must now wait a few seconds for the CBD to be absorbed by the mucous membranes present in the mouth.

This tip avoids the first pass effect which is nothing other than the path of the digestive tract and the liver which can naturally delay the onset of effects. In addition, the sublingual route allows you to benefit from all the benefits of CBD. You can then swallow the rest of the saliva in your mouth. Once cannabidiol reaches the bloodstream, it can easily interact with the receptors so that you feel relief within a few minutes.

The second method or ingestion involves incorporating CBD oil into your meals or drinks. The advantage it provides is that you can vary the tastes of the CBD. However, you will only feel the effects of CBD after a few hours. But these will be around for a long time.


This mode of consumption is also very common. It is also very popular with young people. Note that it also allows you to quickly feel the effects of CBD. Inhalation is done using e-liquids. These are solutions that contain a certain concentration of CBD. They must be used with electronic cigarettes. The mechanism of action is very simple. You need to drop a small amount of the solution into the cigarette. Thus, with each vaporization, the liquid heats up under the action of a resistance and directly releases a vapor which contains CBD into your mouth.

The advantage of this method is that it allows the CBD to be sent directly to the alveoli contained in the lungs. This facilitates its transfer to the blood system and the rest of the body. Within minutes you can start to feel the effects. The disadvantage of inhalation is that it presents a risk of overdose. Indeed, you do not know exactly how much CBD you are sending to your body. It is therefore advisable to be very careful.

Infusions and herbal teas

THE infusions and herbal teas are excellent ways to benefit from the active ingredients contained in CBD. This method is very popular with the elderly and those who want to enjoy good quality sleep without using sleeping pills. With CBD infusions, the effects of cannabidiol occur after about thirty minutes. To benefit from it, you need to get CBD leaves or flowers. They are available with different aromas and tastes. So choose the ones that interest you.

You need to heat water and add a few grams of CBD leaves or flowers. You can also add other plants such as lavender or lemongrass or essential oils. Then let the preparation cool and enjoy a few cups. Don’t forget to add a few drops of milk or any other fat. This is important because CBD is a fat-soluble substance. For powerful effects, you need to increase the dose of CBD leaves or flowers used. Once in the body, the solution will pass through the digestive tract and the CBD molecules through the liver.

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