I can't sleep: 5 solutions to get through it

I can’t sleep: 5 solutions to get through it

THE sleep has a direct influence on our mental and physical health. When we sleep, the body repairs and regenerates itself. At the same time, the brain consolidates recently learned information and thus strengthens our memory.

However, whether we know the benefits of good sleep or not, there are periods when we sleep poorly, whether it is because of problems falling asleep or too shallow sleep.

Here are five tips for sleeping and having restful sleep.

What to do when you can’t sleep: 5 tips

what to do when you can't sleep

1. Understand the causes of insomnia

It is often said, and rightly so, that we must tackle the problem at its roots. Regarding the subject that interests us here, the root is quite simply the cause of insomnia. Some common factors can cause it, such as stress, anxiety, bad habits, of the pain or another health problem.

Here are some ways to help identify why you can’t sleep:

  • Keep a sleep diary: note for at least a week your bedtime, the quality of your sleep, any waking periods, the time it takes to fall asleep, how you feel in the morning, etc.
  • Analyze your lifestyle: consumption of caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, physical activity, diet, taking medications.
  • Assess your stress level: identify the sources of stress as well as the thoughts that prevent you from falling asleep soundly in the evening.

By analyzing your environment and your habits, you are much more likely to spot disruptive patterns and thus correct the problem.

2. Adopt a healthy sleep routine

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Having a regular pre-bedtime routine helps prepare the body and mind for rest. Observe in particular regular bedtime and wake-up times, avoid stimulants and prefer relaxing activities at the end of the day.

Some natural products can also help you relax before bed and therefore get restful sleep. Many studies have shown that it is possible to sleep better thanks to CBD (notably here And here).

A few drops ofCBD oil under the tongue (Relax CBD + CBN oil for example) or a CBD herbal tea calm night can easily and effectively integrate into your routine!

Do you want to know more about the subject? Find our opinion on the CBD herbal teas for sleep as well as the comparative advantages of CBD and CBG for sleep. Our wide range ofCBD hemp infusions is also there to support you in your approach.

3. Create an environment conducive to sleep

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This seems self-evident, but quiet, comfortable and dark environment promotes falling asleep as well as restful sleep. If you can’t sleep because of your direct environment, several simple tips can change your life. In the event of unsuitable light, simple blackout curtains can greatly help you. If the noise level is too high, try sleeping with ear plugs.

Finally, change mattress can also greatly improve your quality of sleep.

4. Use relaxation techniques

Relaxation has the great advantage of divert attention everyday worries and pains. By practicing it shortly before bedtime, it helps you fall asleep more quickly, but also helps you enjoy more restful sleep and limits waking up during the night.

Everyone has their own preferred method. Test several techniques to find the one that best suits your needs and personality:

  • Meditation: in particular with the help of visualization exercises. There are many available free of charge on the Internet or dedicated applications.
  • Deep breathing/ in full awareness: lie down comfortably and concentrate on your breathing. Inhale slowly and gradually through your nose, then exhale just as slowly through your mouth.
  • Muscle relaxation exercises: contract a muscle or group of muscles (of the arm, for example) for a few seconds then relax completely. By proceeding in the same way with different areas of the body, you gradually release tension.

5. Limit screen use before bed

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There blue light exists in nature. It is also widely produced by certain electronic devices equipped with screens. In small doses, no problem. With the proliferation of screens (computer, smartphone, tablet, television), we are nevertheless bathed in them and this has implications for our sleep.

In fact, blue light disrupts our melatonin production, a hormone particularly useful for circadian cycle, which is sometimes called the biological clock or internal clock. Faced with so much blue light, our body does not understand that it is night and does not prepare properly for sleep.

A tip for falling asleep more easily and enjoying restful sleep is simply to limit screen use before bed, for example by setting a cut-off time for electronic devices or using anti-blue light filters.

To conclude

There are simple ways to combat sleep problems. We have just presented five of them to you. However, keep in mind that they are not the only ones and that certain solutions suit certain people better than others. So do not hesitate to experiment with different methods to find which ones work best, including in combination with each other!

In any case, understanding where poor sleep quality comes from is an essential step to a lasting solution.

If insomnia persists or is too bothersome in your daily life, it is advisable to consult a health professional. He or she will help you make a diagnosis and determine appropriate treatment.

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