
The innovative recipe: CBD muffins

THE CBD, this ingredient which is becoming more and more talked about, particularly for its relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties. Looking for an original way to take advantage of it? Discover the recipe for the famous CBD Muffins, a delicious way to soothe your ailments while pleasing your taste buds.

Why cook with CBD?

Due to its versatility and its numerous health benefits, CBD has quickly established itself as a must-have for those looking to combine relaxation and flavors. Here are some of the reasons why CBD is so popular:

  • Promotes sleep
  • Fight against stress and anxiety
  • Soothes inflammatory reactions
  • Relieves pain

Thus, cooking with CBD not only allows us to benefit from its relaxing properties but also to add a creative touch to our favorite dishes!

The secrets to a successful CBD Muffin recipe

Choosing the right CBD

Before you start making muffins, it is essential to choose the right hemp product. The market offers several choices:

Any of these CBD products can be suitable for the recipe, but you will need to check that they are suitable for culinary use and do not contain THC.

The right amount of CBD

Finding the right dosage is essential to fully benefit from the benefits of CBD while avoiding unwanted effects and complying with current legislation. You can start with a moderate amount in your preparation (for example 5 mg of CBD per muffin) and adjust according to your personal needs and those of your guests.

The recipe: CBD and chocolate chip muffins

Once these elements have been taken into account, it’s time to get cooking! Here is a delicious recipe for CBD and chocolate chip muffins that will delight young and old:

  • 250g flour
  • 200g of sugar
  • 1 sachet of baking powder
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 2 eggs
  • 100ml neutral oil (rapeseed or sunflower)
  • 100ml of milk
  • 35g melted butter
  • Vanilla flavor
  • 200g chocolate chips
  • Your CBD dosage (depending on the product and quantity chosen)

Preheat your oven to 180°C. In a salad bowl, mix the dry ingredients: flour, sugar, baking powder and salt. Then add the eggs, oil, milk, melted butter and vanilla flavoring. Stir in your chosen CBD dosage, then add the chocolate chips. Mix until you obtain a homogeneous paste.

Pour the mixture into silicone muffin molds or paper cases. Bake for 20-25 minutes, then let cool before eating!

In summary:

CBD muffins deliciously combine indulgence and relaxation thanks to this simple and delicious recipe that will allow you to fully benefit from the benefits of cannabidiol. Let your creativity and your desires speak to vary the pleasures and share these sweet treats with your loved ones or perfect your tea break!

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