The legal rate of CBD in France: Everything you need to know

As a consumer or seller of products based on CBD, it is essential to know the French legislation and the threshold authorized in CBD products. In this article, we explore the applicable legal rate for these products to help you better understand the CBD market in France.

Legislation on CBD in France

Before specifically analyzing the legal rate of CBD in France, it is appropriate to recall the principles governing the sale and consumption of CBD in the country. Unlike some other European countries, France has taken a stricter approach to regulating cannabis products, including those containing non-psychoactive concentrations such as cannabidiol (CBD).

The main criterion for determining whether a product containing CBD can be sold or consumed legally in France is its content. tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the substance responsible for the psychotropic effects in the cannabis plant. Indeed, only finished products not containing THC or having a concentration less than 0.2% are authorized for sale and consumption on French territory.

The legal rate of CBD in France

Under French law, there is no specific legal rate for CBD alone, with emphasis on the presence and concentration of THC in finished products. Thus, the limits applicable to CBD products in France essentially concern the THC content, which must be less than 0.2%.

However, it is important to note that this limit only applies to finished products, that is to say those ready to be marketed and consumed directly by the public. The situation is different when it comes to growing hemp to produce CBD-containing items, such as flowers or oils. In this case, French regulation imposes a THC content less than 0.2% for the plant itself.

Variability of the level of CBD and THC in products

Given the main concern around THC, there is some variability in the level of CBD in products available on the French market. Indeed, some products display a low percentage of CBD (5%), while others can reach higher concentrations such as 20% or even 30%.

Why choose products with a legal level of CBD?

In light of French legislation, several reasons justify the choice of products respecting the legal CBD threshold:

  • Security and legal compliance: by choosing products containing the legal level of CBD, you ensure that your purchases comply with French regulations.
  • Without psychotropic effects: the legal threshold eliminates the presence of THC responsible for the psychotropic effects associated with cannabis, thus ensuring safe use of CBD without risk of altering your mental state.
  • Quality controlled: Manufacturers and resellers of finished products are required to comply with national regulations, thereby ensuring quality and a level of purity that meets legal requirements.

To go further: The CBD market in France

Although French legislation on CBD remains strict in terms of limits imposed on THC concentration, it is possible to find a wide variety of CBD products in different formats such as oils, creams, capsules or even e-liquids for electronic cigarettes. These products offer various therapeutic properties thanks to the different concentrations of CBD and other non-psychotropic cannabinoids they contain.

With this rapid expansion of the French CBD market, it is essential to remain attentive to current regulations and potential changes in the years to come. Indeed, given the progress made in research into the potential benefits of CBD for various medical conditions, it cannot be ruled out that the legislation on the legal rate in France could evolve to adapt to these new discoveries.

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