The price of CBD oil: Decryption and comparison

With the growing popularity of cannabidiol (CBD) products, it is not uncommon to wonder what the price of CBD oil is. This oil, extracted from hemp and non-psychoactive, is recognized for its many therapeutic virtues and its use as a food supplement. In this article, we propose to dissect the factors influencing the cost of this substance, as well as a comparison between different ranges of products on the market.

Factors determining the price of CBD oil

The price of a CBD oil generally varies according to several criteria, such as:

  • the concentration of CBD;
  • the type of extraction used;
  • the other ingredients present in the composition (such as essential oils);
  • the origin of the cultivated plants;
  • the quality and traceability of the raw materials;

Among these factors, the concentration and type of extraction are often the most important.

CBD concentration

One of the first elements that influence the cost of CBD oil is its concentration of cannabinoids. The more CBD an oil contains, the more powerful and therefore more expensive it will be. Thus, it is possible to find oils whose concentration varies between 5% and 40% CBD. On average, expect to pay around €20 to €30 for an oil dosed at 5%, and up to more than €100 for a dosage of 30%. Products offering even higher concentrations are generally intended for informed consumers or for specific therapeutic uses.

Type of CBD extraction

The extraction process also influences the final price of the CBD oil.

Supercritical CO2 extraction is considered the most efficient and safest method for obtaining high-quality CBD oil. This process helps remove impurities and unwanted substances while retaining beneficial cannabinoids and terpenes in the final oil. However, this technique requires expensive equipment and extensive experience, which can result in higher prices compared to products from other extraction methods such as solvent extraction.

Varieties of CBD oils available on the market and price differences

Choosing a CBD oil is based on specific needs and personal preference. Here are some commonly encountered types of CBD oils and their price range:

  1. CBD Oil Isolate: Extracted from the cannabis plant, typically contains only pure CBD, without any other cannabinoids or terpenes. The average price of a 10 ml CBD isolate oil dosed at 500 mg is between €30 and €60.
  2. Full Spectrum CBD Oil: Unlike isolate, this category of oils contains all the compounds present in the cannabis plant (including minute traces of THC, too weak to cause a psychoactive effect). It potentially offers a so-called “entourage” effect, that is to say a synergy between its different components which reinforces their overall therapeutic effectiveness. The average price of an oil can vary from €45 to almost €120 for a 10 ml bottle depending on the concentration and quality of the preparation.
  3. CBD oil enriched with terpenes: these are CBD oils to which natural terpenes are added in order to impart a more pronounced flavor and specific effects associated with the terpenes concerned. The price ranges between €40 and €90, again depending on the concentrations and aromas offered.

Other CBD products: Gummies and other derivatives

While CBD oil is undoubtedly the most popular product, it is not the only option available on the market. Jams, creams, balms, capsules, gummies and e-liquids are all choices allowing you to adapt your CBD consumption to your preferences and needs. Although these products do not have the same prices as an oil, it is undeniable that the factors presented above also influence their cost. Thus, given examples, a pack of 30 capsules containing up to 25 mg of CBD each can cost around €40, while a pack of gummies offers various price ranges ranging from €15 for around ten pieces to almost €50.

Interim conclusion

The price of CBD oil depends on multiple criteria such as the concentration of cannabinoids, the extraction process used or the overall quality of the product. Although the price ranges may seem vast, keep in mind that it is essential to favor products that are certified organic and guarantee traceability of raw materials. The choice will also depend on taste and therapeutic expectations, without neglecting the possibility of exploring other formats such as gummies or CBD capsules to vary the pleasures while benefiting from the benefits of this substance extracted from hemp.

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