
What is H4CBD? Definition

More than a hundred cannabinoids, the active ingredients of cannabis, have already been identified. The list could well grow as more research is done on the plant. Add to this that it is also possible to create or modify cannabinoids in the laboratory and we are immersed in a fascinating world where biology, chemistry, medicine and natural products constantly coexist.

Since the summer of 2023, a new name has been on everyone’s lips: H4CBD. It would be more powerful and more effective than CBD, while being free of adverse effects.

Weedy.fr explains to you what is H4CBD, what are its effects, his points in common with CBD, his differences with HHC and much more!

What is H4CBD?

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H4CBD is laboratory-modified CBD (cannabis)

H4CBD (H4 CBD or H4-CBD) is a semi-synthetic cannabinoid. This means that we start from a completely classic cannabinoid and naturally produced by the hemp plant (a phytocannabinoid) and that we modified in the laboratory in order to change its properties.

In the case of H4CBD, we start from a molecule of cannabidiol (CBD) and we add to it four hydrogen atoms (the famous H4). This also explains why H4CBD is sometimes found under the namehexahydrocannabidiol or, more simply, to Hydrogenated CBD. This last name is nevertheless misleading since it also includes other products, such as H2CBD, with different effects.

Main products based on H4CBD

The popularization of H4CBD is relatively recent and experienced particular growth after the ban on HHC in France in the summer of 2023 (more on this in a moment). However, H4CBD was first synthesized in the 1940s, so it is far from new!

It is found in many derivatives, generally similar to CBD products :

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As with CBD, there are H4CBD flowers and many other derivatives

Why modify CBD in the laboratory?

Modifying CBD in the laboratory is a way scientists use to make the molecule more stable and more efficient. The aim is therefore to benefit frommore marked effects and/or having to take less quantity for such interesting effects. For people looking for the virtuous properties of CBD, the H4CBD would therefore be a way to achieve this while avoiding certain undesirable effects linked to the consumption of cannabis, including psychoactive effects (CBD does not cause any high effects, let us remember for all intents and purposes).

This increased control over the properties of cannabinoids is one of the main reasons why synthetic cannabinoids are often preferred over phytocannabinoids when it comes to medical cannabis. However, this does not (yet) concern France, which does not authorize therapeutic cannabis.

What are the effects of H4CBD?

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H4CBD is particularly known for being anxiolytic and anti-inflammatory.

Interest in H4CBD is relatively new and research on it is still scant compared to that on CBD, or even THC. Due to its chemical proximity, it seems to approach effects and benefits of CBD, however with some notable differences due to the presence of additional hydrogen atoms. Thus, H4CBD appears to have more affinities with CB1 receptors of endocannabinoid system. It is this main difference which means that H4CBD is often presented as an “improved version” of CBD.

A 2017 study also confirmed the anti-inflammatory capacity of H4CBD, after an initial study in 2006 led by Shimon Ben-Shabat and which largely contributed to our current knowledge of the product.

Main effects of H4CBD

H4CBD would notably be:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Analgesic
  • Anxiolytic
  • Neuroprotective

Like CBD, H4CBD is also devoid of psychoactive effects. It therefore does not make its user high or lose control. It does not lead no risk of addiction either.

Due to the proximity of the effects of the two molecules, H4CBD is not only compared to CBD, but also to HHC. However, the two cannabinoids are very different, and not just because of their different treatment by law.


The HHC, for hexahydrocannabinol, is a hydrogenated analogue of THC. To put it simply, it is to THC what H4CBD is to CBD.

Since the June 13, 2023, the ANSM (national agency for the safety of medicines and health products), considers HHC and two of its derivatives to be narcotics. In addition to delta-9 THC, included on this long-standing list, HHC, THE HHC-acetate (HHCO) and hexahydroxycannabiphorol (HHCP) are therefore prohibited in France. The main reason for this decision is the risk of abuse and dependence of these products, a risk considered to be equivalent to that of marijuana.

H4CBD is not affected by this decision and is, therefore, legal in France.

What are the dangers of H4CBD?

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The exact influence of H4CBD on certain treatments is still unknown

Let’s start with the good news: H4CBD does not contain no known major danger for health, especially when used in reasonable doses.

The studies that do exist, however, are primarily interested in the properties of H4CBD in a controlled setting, to address a specific problem and under the supervision of scientists. What we know about it is therefore mainly for research purposes and the results often concern in vitro or animal studies, not humans. Its large-scale consumption is completely new and we still lack the perspective to affirm that it will not have consequences in particular cases. A risk ofdrug interaction with certain treatments is particularly possible.

For all these reasons, it is recommended to consume H4CBD with caution, relying on the instructions for use and systematically seeking theadvice of a doctor in case of doubt, treatment or any known health problem.

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