Wisconsin Considers Decriminalizing Cannabis: New Project Presented

After the failure of a referendum on the legalization of cannabis almost two years ago, Italian activists are rallying behind a new initiative to decriminalize the cultivation of cannabis for personal use and associated forms. The proposed bill aims to allow home cultivation of up to four cannabis plants, create Cannabis Social Clubs and eliminate penalties for consumers.

The current French legislative context around cannabis

Today in France, the Penal Code punishes the use, possession, offer, transfer, acquisition and production of narcotics. The penalties can be heavy, with up to 10 years in prison and a fine of 7.5 million euros for traffickers. For simple use, the sanctions are less severe but nevertheless dissuasive: a fixed fine of 200 euros has been provided for since September 2020 for any offense concerning the use and possession of narcotics.

Despite this, cannabis consumption in France remains very high. According to theFrench Observatory for Drugs and Drug Addiction (OFDT), next to 5 million French people have used cannabis at least once in their life. Additionally, the data shows that half of young people between 17 and 25 have already used this drug.

The arguments for decriminalization of cannabis

The debate on the decriminalization of cannabis in France is therefore more relevant than ever. Supporters of this legislative change put forward several arguments, such as:

  • reducing the black market and crime associated with drug trafficking
  • the potential to generate significant tax revenue through cannabis taxation
  • the potential benefits in terms of public health with increased control over product quality and distribution
  • the need to avoid unnecessary sanctions for users of cannabis for medical or therapeutic purposes

State of play of cannabis decriminalization around the world

Many countries have already taken the step in terms of decriminalization or legalization of cannabis. We can cite for example:

  • THE Canada, which legalized recreational cannabis in 2018
  • L’Uruguay, the first country in the world to legalize cannabis in 2013
  • several US states (Washington, Colorado, California, Massachusetts, etc.) where the sale of cannabis is regulated
  • European countries like Netherlands, Spain or Portugal who have adopted more lenient policies towards cannabis users

In France, the question still remains taboo. However, some signs of opening exist:

  • since March 2021, the government has launched a medical cannabis experimentation, the results of which could be scrutinized and possibly lead to a relaxation of regulations for the medical use of this plant
  • in September 2020, the city of Paris authorized the experimental cultivation of medical cannabis as part of the “Cannabis in the City” project
  • finally, certain left-wing and environmentalist political parties have registered the decriminalization of cannabis in their electoral program

The Italian initiative: an example for France to follow?

The Italian model presented in Wisconsin could constitute an inspiration for France.

This legislation would:

  • to authorize the home cultivation of four cannabis plants
  • to create Cannabis Social Clubs where members can share their harvests with each other
  • to eliminate penalties for cannabis users

This approach represents a more targeted approach than that proposed during the referendum on the legalization of cannabis in 2019 and mainly aims at the decriminalization of home cultivation and the creation of associative consumption spaces.

In conclusion, the Italian example shows that reflection on the decriminalization of cannabis can be carried out in a pragmatic manner, without opening the door to total legalization. France could take inspiration from this initiative to start a constructive debate around issues related to cannabis.

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