
Compartment syndrome: 5 natural treatments to relieve yourself

THE Compartment syndrome is a medical condition that can cause intense and potentially serious pain in the muscles of the arms and legs (especially the forearm and calf). This condition is caused by increased pressure in muscle compartments, compressing nerves and blood vessels.

Although there are conventional treatments, painkillers unfortunately often have little effect. There are nevertheless natural treatments which can provide comfort and help relieve severe muscle pain.

What is Compartment Syndrome?

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Compartment Syndrome, also known as compartment syndrome, occurs when the pressure inside a muscle compartment increases beyond normal levels. Every muscle in our body is surrounded by something called a dense fascia, forming a muscle compartment. When pressure builds up in these compartments, it can cause compression of nerves and blood vessels and cause severe pain.

The leg, and more specifically the calf, is the main one affected by compartment syndrome, particularly in people who run.


Compartment Syndrome can be caused by a variety of factors, including traumatic injuries, of the intense exercises, of the tight bandages, of the burns or insect bites. In some cases, the exact cause can be difficult to determine, especially since the inflammation can be due to direct (shock) or indirect (torsion) trauma to the joint. It can also be acute or chronic.


The symptoms of Compartment Syndrome can vary, but certain signs are suggestive:

  • Severe pain
  • Swelling
  • Feeling of heaviness or tension in the affected muscles
  • Tingling
  • Weakness

If you have similar symptoms, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional. They will allow you to obtain an accurate diagnosis and benefit from appropriate care.

Why consider a natural treatment?

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There are conventional treatments for compartment syndrome, which vary depending on the severity of the situation.

, relieve certain symptomsand even, in some cases, limit the amount of anti-inflammatories consumed. 5 natural treatments to relieve compartment syndrome 1. Natural muscle relaxants (CBD)

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(cannabidiol) is a molecule naturally produced by the cannabis plant. It has
relaxing and anti-inflammatory properties which can help relieve tight muscles and reduce pain associated with compartment syndrome, as it can also do with tendonitis . This makes it one of the natural products popular with athletes .Available in many forms, CBD is mainly used sublingually (under the tongue), inhaled or in cooking for overall effects. In the context of compartment syndrome, a local applicationis also relevant. In this case, it is possible to gently massage the painful muscle using a

CBD muscle relaxant gel , a cream or simply CBD oil . It is also entirely possible (and even recommended) to combine the two modes of consumption in order to make the most of its properties.His cousinCBG(cannabigerol) is another cannabinoid known for its muscle relaxant properties. THE

CBD and CBG combo is especially recommended as part of muscle recovery and there are CBD + CBG sports oils (5 to 40% cannabinoids, depending on needs). 2. Rest and elevation When dealing with compartment syndrome, it is essential to allow the affected muscles to rest. Rest allows you to reduce pressure in muscle compartments

, thus helping to relieve pain. During resting phases, elevating the affected limbs above heart level can help

reduce swelling by promoting venous return . This also helps to reduce intramuscular pressure.3. Ice and heat Ice helps reduce inflammationby contracting the blood vessels

, while the heat

relaxes the muscles Andimproves blood circulation in the affected area. Alternating hot and cold phases is a simple and sometimes effective natural treatment to relieve the symptoms of Compartment Syndrome. For example, apply ice to the painful muscle for 15 to 20 minutes, then a hot compress for the same amount of time. The process can be repeated several times a day. 4. Stretching min compartment syndrome stretching exercises The exercises of

gentle, targeted stretching

can help relieve muscle tension by helping to relax muscles and improving flexibility. However, it is important to stretch gradually and gently to avoid worsening the symptoms. A
osteopathor a physiotherapist can accompany you. 5. Relaxation exercises Stress and anxiety can make compartment syndrome symptoms worse. Relaxation exercises such as meditation, deep breathing and visualization can help reduce stress. On this point also, include CBD in your daily routine

can help soothe the nervous system and promote muscle recovery

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