Delicious CBD baked pumpkin recipe: a comforting and well-being dish

THE baked pumpkin with CBD is an original and tasty recipe idea to enjoy the benefits of cannabidiol while enjoying a delicious vegetable dish. Simple to make, this recipe will allow you to discover new flavors and surprise your guests with an unusual ingredient in the kitchen. Here are the instructions for making a successful CBD baked pumpkin.

1. Select a good pumpkin and prepare the ingredients

For your recipe to be successful, be sure to choose a quality pumpkin: it must be firm and heavy, its skin must be smooth and without defects. The seeds inside should be present but not too numerous to facilitate subsequent preparation.

The necessary ingredients:

  • A medium pumpkin (around 1kg)
  • Two tablespoons of CBD oil
  • Salt, pepper and other spices of your choice
  • Optional: grated cheese (Gruyère, Emmental, etc.) or other topping to suit your tastes and desires

2. Preheat the oven and clean the pumpkin

Preheat your oven to 180°C (th.6) so that it is hot when you insert the pumpkin. During this time, carefully clean the pumpkin with cold water to remove any traces of soil or impurities.

Remove the pumpkin cap

To prepare the pumpkin, start by cutting its cap into a cone, so that the base of the cap does not fall into the pumpkin during cooking.

3. Hollow out the pumpkin and place the seeds aside

Using a spoon, dust the seeds and the stringy flesh which are in the center of the pumpkin. Be sure to remove all the seeds to avoid mixing them with the filling during preparation. You can also reserve these seeds to roast them in the oven and then enjoy them as a healthy and crunchy aperitif snack.

4. Prepare the CBD oil and season the pumpkin

In a small bowl, mix two tablespoons of CBD oil with your favorite spices (salt, pepper, nutmeg, cayenne pepper, etc.), then generously brush the inside of the pumpkin with this preparation using a kitchen brush.

Optional: add garnish

To vary the flavors, you can also add a garnish of your choice to the hollowed out pumpkin before putting it in the oven. For example, previously cooked pieces of meat, grated cheese on top to lightly brown during cooking… Give free rein to your imagination and your desires!

5. Put the pumpkin in the oven and monitor the cooking regularly

Place the pumpkin (with its cap) on a baking tray covered with parchment paper or in a baking dish, then put it in the oven for around 45 minutes to 1 hour, checking the cooking regularly using a blade. of knife. The knife should be able to sink easily into the flesh of the pumpkin but it should not be too soft to maintain a minimum of hold.

Adjust the oven temperature if necessary

If it seems to you that the cooking is going too quickly compared to the recipe, do not hesitate to adjust the oven temperature and extend the cooking time to obtain an ideal texture.

6. Serve the baked CBD pumpkin hot

Once the pumpkin is cooked, place it on a serving dish and serve it hot, accompanied by a few sprigs of fresh parsley to add a touch of color and a little more flavor.

To enjoy this original dish, you can cut pieces of the pumpkin following the natural streaks present on its skin. Also remember to serve the hat, which is just as tasty as the rest of the vegetable!

There you have it, you have discovered the recipe for baked pumpkin with CBD. A healthy, delicious and comforting dish that will delight your taste buds and those of your guests!

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