What is HHC-O?

At the beginning of 2023, the HHC and two of its derivatives, HHC-O and the HHC-P were the new trend among cannabinoid lovers. But then, in June of the same year, the National Agency for the Safety of Medicines and Health Products (ANSM) suddenly announced their ban in France.

However, HHC-O and its comrades are not banned everywhere and are even attracting growing interest from certain consumers, but also from the scientific community. Weedy.fr dissects it for you what is HHC-O and his differences with HHC and HHC-P, particularly at the level of effects caused.

What is HHC-O? Definition

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The HHC-O, HHC acetate Or hexahydrocannabinol-O, is a cannabinoid derived from hemp that differs in its production process. Unlike natural cannabinoids (CBD, CBG, CBN, THC and many others), directly produced by the cannabis plant, HHC-O is in fact a compound created by humans.

It is therefore a synthetic cannabinoid, produced in the laboratory. This modification not only gives it a greater molecular stability, but also unique effects, close to those of Delta-9-THC. Additionally, the HHC-O boasts a better bioavailability and therefore better absorption by the body.

How is HHC-O created?

The characteristic of a synthetic cannabinoid is that it is created artificially. In the case of HHC-O, it is necessary to start from a molecule of HHC, itself coming from a molecule of CBD or THC. In France, THC is nevertheless included on the list of narcotics, which prevents companies and researchers from working freely with THC.

Here is one of the possible processes to obtain HHC-O:

  1. CBD extraction from hemp plants
  2. Transformation into HHC using gastric juices, terpenes or by hydrogenation
  3. Addingacetic anhydride (flammable liquid notably used in the synthesis of aspirin)
  4. Obtaining HHC-O

What is the difference between HHC, HHC-O and HHC-P?

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We mentioned it just now, you need HHC to create HHC-O. It’s the same thing with the HHC-P. HHC-O and HHC-P are therefore derivatives of HHC, in the same way as the THC-P and the THC-O are derivatives of THC, for example.

The first difference between these three cannabinoids is structural since the molecules are different. The second difference, a direct consequence of the first, is located at the level of effects, different for each molecule.

Thus, HHC-O, thanks to the presence of acetate, is more powerful than HHC. HHC acts very quickly after consumption, but not for very long. On the contrary, the HHC-O has a slower action, but also more durable. HHC-P is even more powerful, with effects similar to those of THC.

Very good, the HHC-O is therefore more powerful than HHC, but what are its exact effects?

Effects of HHC-O

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The success of HHC-O is notably due to its extended shelf life and its longer-lasting effects than those of THC. It has the particularity of bind more to CB1 receptors of endocannabinoid system (SEC) and therefore to have more marked effects on many levels. We therefore consider that HHC-O is more powerful than Delta-8-THC and Delta-10-THC, two common isomers of tetrahydrocannabinol.

Expected effects

  • Physical relaxation
  • Mental relaxation
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • Stress and anxiety relief
  • Appetite regulation

In return, HHC-O leads to psychotropic effects. Depending on the consumers and the quantities ingested, it may be responsible for other unwanted side effects :

  • Pasty mouth
  • Red eyes
  • Anxiety
  • Dizziness
  • Insomnia
  • Palpitations
  • Paranoia

These undesirable effects, associated with the lack of perspective regarding large-scale consumption, have earned HHC-O a certain amount of suspicion from the authorities.

Why ban HHC, HHC-O and HHC-P?

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In a press release dated June 12, 2023, theANSM announced its decision to ban hexahydrocannabinol (HHC), HHC-acetate (HHCO) and hexahydroxycannabiphorol (HHCP) and, consequently, to add them to the list of narcotics. So much for the theoretical side. In practice, this means that their production, sale and use are prohibited in France.

Here are the motivations mentioned:

“The consumption of HHC or its derivatives exposes you to risks such as: tremors, vomiting, anxiety, “bad trip”, mental confusion, malaise, tachycardia, chest pain, blood pressure surge, the intensity of which seems to vary depending on the HHC content, which is not always specified or exact.

In the long term, the use of these products poses a risk of abuse and dependence, as with cannabis. »

Alternatives to HHC-O and other illegal cannabinoids

Countries other than France, such as Switzerland and Austria, have made the same decision. In the United States, the FDA recommends against its use, but legislation varies quite widely from state to state, with some states where HHC-O, HHC-P, and HHC are illegal and others where they are freely marketed. Wherever these cannabinoids are banned, the response from companies and consumers is nevertheless the same, with growing interest inother synthetic or semi-synthetic cannabinoids like the H4CBD.

Where permitted, the most common derivatives are HHC and HHC-P vape products, THE HHC-O sweets or even hemp flowers enriched with synthetic cannabinoids. If you want to discover the benefits of cannabis legally, fortunately there are many excellent quality alternatives, without risk of addiction or highs.

Weedy.fr is one of the CBD pioneers in France and in Europe. Trusting us means you can buy legal, controlled and premium quality derivatives ! Discover in particular our CBD e-liquids, flowers, resins, oils, infusions and our Food CBD.

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